Proven Success

Don't just take our word for it.

Here's what some fluidFIT clients had to say:

Proven Success

Don't just take our word for it.

Here's what some fluidFIT clients had to say:

I have had two very different pregnancies. During my first pregnancy, I was not in shape before or during. I had excessive weight gain, back pain, general mobility issues and was very lethargic, which I am sure is quite common for many pregnant women. After my first, I decided to get into shape through an outdoor boot camp. A short few months later I found out I was pregnant with twins. I did not want to lose all of my progress and decided to sign up with Andrea. She helped me to not only maintain, but build onto what I had already worked on. She set up a brilliant program that helped relieve the stress and strain on my body as well as strengthen my stamina. Andrea helped keep my eating on track through a food journal. Surprisingly, although I was carrying twins, I gained less weight than with my first, felt energized and motivated, more mobile and comfortable in my body both physically and emotionally. I recovered quickly after my C-section as a result and was back at the gym six weeks later. My doctor had told me to expect to lose half a pound per week and instead I have begun to lose two or three pounds per week. Going to the gym not only helps me get the much needed time to myself, but has helped me be a better mother. Not only am I modelling good behaviour for my kids by eating right and exercising, but I am refreshed and renewed by having and accomplishing my own goals. I could not have done it without my trainer Andrea and the rest of the staff and clients at the gym . The support has been outstanding. I just can’t wait to see the final results!

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